Dr Etienne Swanepoel, Cape Surgeon

Medical News

What is Bariatric Surgery?

By Dr Ananya Mandal, MD Exercise and diet alone often fail to effectively treat people with extreme and excessive obesity. Bariatric surgery is an operation that is performed in order to help such individuals lose weight. Evidence suggests that bariatric surgery may lower death rates for patients with severe obesity,…
Contour surgery: benefits of post-operative abdominoplasty
Post-bariatric surgery abdominoplasty (also known as a tummy tuck) can provide additional weight loss to overweight patients, are medically necessary in some cases, and contribute to improvements in the quality of life for patients. Warning patients of the additional costs that may come later, once the weight is lost, or…
Bariatric Diet: What & How to Eat
Reviewed by: Nancy DeLuca, RD The right bariatric diet and proper bariatric eating techniques can mean the difference between success and failure. They will help you avoid complications and maximize short and long-term weight loss. – See more at: http://www.bariatric-surgery-source.com/bariatric-diet.html#sthash.c1CL9E4D.dpuf Bariatric Diet Before Surgery Getting into the right diet…
Informed patient choice: Study to help patients decide operation of choice
A new study will allow researchers to work with patient focus groups to develop an electronic survey tool that will measures the issues that patients care most about one year after weight-loss surgery. Patients report how well they are doing via patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs). Across the US, all hospitals…
Abdominoplasty: Risk from combined procedures
Abdominoplasty has a higher risk of major complications than other cosmetic plastic surgery procedures, according to a study ‘Abdominoplasty: Risk Factors, Complication Rates, and Safety of Combined Procedures’, in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, ASPS). The paper found…
How bariatric surgery reduces sugar cravings
Bariatric surgery curbs the sweet tooth by acting on the brain’s reward system, according to a study, ‘Striatal Dopamine Links Gastrointestinal Rerouting to Altered Sweet Appetite’, published in the journal Cell Metabolism. The researchers found that gastrointestinal bypass surgery, reduced sugar-seeking behaviour in mice by reducing the release of a…
Complications and re-hospitalisation after RYGB
Post-operative complications Credit: Samuel Bendet, US Air Force The symptoms most commonly leading to healthcare contact after RYGB surgery were abdominal pain, fatigue and anaemia The prevalence of symptoms such as abdominal pain and fatigue after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery are were high and nearly one-third of patients hospitalised,…
Bariatric complications treated effectively by endoscopy
Endoscopy offers a less invasive approach and helps to treat many of the complications from bariatric surgery, according to Dr Matthew Kroh, Director of Surgical Endoscopy and Assistant Professor of Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine. In a wide-ranging presentation at the Minimally Invasive Surgery Symposium, in…
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